Essence Cosmetic Surgery Clinic


What is Rhinoplasty?

What is Rhinoplasty?

In Rhinoplasty, nose is reshaped so that it looks natural and blends harmoniously with rest of face.

Am I a candidate for rhinoplasty?

You may be a candidate if-

Any special preparation for Rhinoplasty?

Few blood tests need to be done to ascertain your general fitness for surgery. Rhinoplasty is a day care procedure and you can go back home in evening. It is done under Local/General Anesthesia. The surgery last 1-2hrs on an average.

Is an implant needed?

In case of saddle nose or other deformities, in which nose needs to be built up in certain areas, a nasal septal cartilage or bone or cartilage from another site or commonly an artificial implant ( Silicone/Porex) may be used.

What is the downtime with the procedure?

After swelling subsides one can rejoin work after 48 hours. though a little caution is warranted to avoid any trauma to nose after surgery.

What can go wrong?

For more information contact your plastic surgeon here

* Disclaimer: The above information is for patient education not a replacement for professional advice. It is just a supplement for patient information. please consult your plastic surgeon for a detailed examination

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