
What is Abdominoplasty/ Tummy tuck and how is it different from liposuction?

Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is removal of excess skin and fat in patients with too much loose skin in tummy. It also involves tightening of tummy muscles to give strength to the wall and get a more refined body shape.

Whereas liposuction is meant for removing fat only. Abdominoplasty is more thorough and involves removal of fat, tightening of the musculature and removal of excess skin.

In some cases, liposuction surgery can be combined with excision of excess abdominal skin below the belly button. This is called Mini Tummy Tuck. When a full tummy tuck is planned, contour liposuction is best performed at the same time.

Which tests are needed?

General tests with regards to pre anesthetic workup like complete blood counts, Kidney function tests, liver function tests, chest xray, ECG are done routinely. Special tests may be done according to the patient profile.

What is the downtime for tummy tuck procedure?

Patients are usually discharged in the evening after the surgery. however bedrest is advised for 3-4 days. Mobilisation is done as soon as possible.

After surgery, you will put in a pressure garment for about 6 weeks. There will be fluffy dressing over the suture line. You will feel sore for a few days but will be essentially mobile. Drains are removed once the drainage volume is low. You are be discharged from the hospital in a couple of days. You can walk and go about your routine activities with due care.

Any complications?

Bleeding and infection rates are low after abdominoplasty or tummy tuck. Since it is more invasive, there might be some residual unabsorbed fluid (Seroma) which will have to be drained. Rarely skin necrosis, fat necrosis and delayed healing of the incisions may occur. This is much more likely in people who smoke heavily; hence cessation of smoking for a weeks is a must. Complications are managed with ease whenever they occur.

The scar is present in the bikini line and initially turns dark or red (depending on skin type). The scar fades with time and the areas become softer.

for more details contact your plastic surgeon here.

*Disclaimer: The above information is for patient education not a replacement for professional advice. It is just a supplement for patient information. please consult your plastic surgeon for a detailed examination

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